- hi GDG guys
- Cnglish again!
- i’m Zoom.Quiet, come from China, as GDG ZhuHai Organizer
- my Barcamp topic is:
- base ‘L10N’ make GDG chapters
- and pay attention, my slides is base s5,its pure html page
- so had released into internat
- thit is the URL
- yep,i know the Zoom.Quiet is error name
- but again,its my realy NikName
- and base the error name , i hold the global unique id !
- so the logo is show about what my error name realy means
- all my public speech, hold one page abt. Disclaimer
- that all
- today,i just want to sharing two points
- what is problem in china gdg
- and how 2 fix it?
- we know China population is very large!
- in fact more than 1.3 billion!
- the number is come from 2011
- now? of course more than it!
- its means every year!
- there will appended 6 million students
- for china colleges
- and also means every year!
- thers will granduation 0.6 million students
- work as coder
GDG in china
- and we know, China had 14 cities had GDG
- and in total there is 0.01 million member for China GDGs
- but think about every year!
- thers will granduation 0.6 million students
- work as coder
- China GDG member is sooo litter
- why soo litter member?!
- i persnal guess is:
- GDG in china is not FUN enough!
Difficulty in China
- for chinese developer
- the bigest problem maybe is GFW
- we call its 功夫网
- what means? thers has link
- its wikipedia, you can read it later
- and just know because GFW
- youtube is invalidation
- means GDL is non-existent for chinese
- also invalidation
- means us GDG organizer summit is non-existent for chinese
- also invalidation
- means G+ is non-existent for chinese
- also invalidation
- means GDA (Academy) is non-existent for chinese
- youtube is invalidation
difficulty PLUS
- almost contents in YouTube is English
- almost contents in sites also English
- almost contents in developer also English
- BUT!
- the mostly chinese developer only can Cnglish
- and in the same time, most people is shy
- shy to ask
so always fall in bad loop
- not understand
- shy
- not ask
- more not understand
- just got zeor fun
- had to leaved GDG
how fix it?
- i am believe in Henry Ford said:
- Coming together is a beginning;
- keeping together is progress;
- working together is success.
GDG in Global
- again, we know there is 109 contries had GDG
- 390 cities had GDG chapter
- in fact non-English chapter is not litter
so what kinds of tasks
- can make Chapters working together?!
- means Localizition
such as ZhuHai GDG
- as GDG we have:
- mailing list
- G+ pages
- G+ Commuinity
- weibo ~ kinds of Twitter in china
- wechat ~ knids og Whatsapp in china
- bbs ~ the chinese habit communication way
- and usage Trello as Kanban system
- coordination community intra. matters
GDG core
- so in my minds
- GDG ‘s core is eventes
- because we must base events
- make people get together to learnning/coding/sharing
events just beginning
- after start
- how to make people hold on learnning/coding/sharing
- my way is: H2H
- means heart 2 heart
- must continual communication with ture man!
- so for GDG ,it almost everywhere need L10N
as standard GDG
- makeup buy member
- and member is always working as
- as organizer
- as learnner
- as volunteer
L10N for organizer
- can make Pari Eventes
- such like Pair Programming
- bettewn GDGs
- for make great event
- sharing good ideas/flows/games
- together make series Brand events
- such as
- GDG GuangZou invention “College OpenDay”
- so others GDG can copy the event
- name
- contents
- advert storys
- etc.
L10N for learnner
- can together to translate GDL videos
- because Chinese learned English is booking english
- almost developer just can write and read
- but can not speeking
- means chinese Shy in realy-world, BUT NOT Internet ;-)
- so base GDL caption translating
- in fact, the learnner is sharing out them learnning process
- of course, if always some guys, whoes level like self
- to togehter fix all kind of troubles
- to togehter grasp new technic
- the process is must be FUN
L10N for developer
- base sdk from
- there is soooo many cool things wait us make it
- through code, non-English Chapter can fun together
L10N for volunteer
- spread each other events
- spread each other design
- spread each other gifts
- spread each other storys
- the story is always the most touch part of community
- yeah!
- so you heard out
- the Localization is “Zoomation” Localization
- the key is
- GDG guys always is sweet guys
- so say we are!
- we must became new friend
- and make some good guys becaming new frinds
- is always includ fun
- this kinds of fun
- can create good loop in GDG
- new friends
- new fun
- so more friends
- get more fun
- of course member can more and more ;-)
that all
my core points is:
- English not fun in Chinese
- “L10N” is always need in GDG
- Pair someting make fun
- 150113 Zoom.Quiet checked
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